La recherche a retourné 10 résultats

par srazer
14 juin 2019 - 16:17
Forum : WAPT Server
Sujet : [RESOLU] WaptNginx en pause, impossible à démarrer
Réponses : 3
Vues : 1965

Re: WaptNginx en pause, impossible à démarrer

Do you have something else running on port 80? I ran into this issue at one point. It will show paused and the log doesn't tell you anything. Sorry for English as I do not know French. Google Translate: Avez-vous quelque chose d'autre en cours d'exécution sur le port 80? J'ai rencontré ce problème à...
par srazer
11 janv. 2019 - 20:16
Forum : WAPT usage (Console, Agent) / Utilisation WAPT (Console, Agent)
Sujet : [SOLVED] Database is locked
Réponses : 4
Vues : 3483

Re: Database is locked

We have a script that runs periodically that pulls the computer's description from AD and replaces the computer's local description. It then runs 'wapt-get update-status' to push the new description to the wapt server. I'm going to assume that this could be the culprit? I have updated the script to ...
par srazer
08 janv. 2019 - 14:08
Forum : WAPT usage (Console, Agent) / Utilisation WAPT (Console, Agent)
Sujet : [SOLVED] Database is locked
Réponses : 4
Vues : 3483

Re: Database is locked

dcardon a écrit : 08 janv. 2019 - 02:18
It seems like a bug. What version of Wapt are you using?


I am using

par srazer
07 janv. 2019 - 14:16
Forum : WAPT usage (Console, Agent) / Utilisation WAPT (Console, Agent)
Sujet : [SOLVED] Database is locked
Réponses : 4
Vues : 3483

[SOLVED] Database is locked

Hello all, I frequently apply upgrades from the console and occasionally the clients will freeze. The only thing that fixes it is to restart waptservice. When looking at the log on the client I see: Get packages index 90 package(s) in the repository Packages to be updated : hcrp-vlc(=3.0.5-3),hcrp-a...
par srazer
09 oct. 2017 - 16:26
Forum : WAPT Server
Sujet : Deploy package or bundle to all machines.
Réponses : 3
Vues : 2129

Re: Deploy package or bundle to all machines.

Hello Vincent, While I can do this, it is far from automatic. I have to add the computer to an AD then reboot the workstation so it will update it's AD membership. Then I have to manually use the WAPT console to scan for AD groups. This method is not the best in my opinion. If the server scanned for...
par srazer
06 oct. 2017 - 21:08
Forum : WAPT Server
Sujet : Session Setup Error
Réponses : 2
Vues : 1277

Re: Session Setup Error

Hi Dennis,

Apparently something was corrupted in the workstation. I reloaded the computer and everything is working as it should. Thank you for the reply.

par srazer
06 oct. 2017 - 13:51
Forum : WAPT Server
Sujet : Session Setup Error
Réponses : 2
Vues : 1277

Session Setup Error


On Windows 10 I am getting an error when running "wapt-get session-setup ALL". I get a pop-up message that states "The requested operation requires elevation." I do not get this with Windows 7.

Thank you,
par srazer
02 oct. 2017 - 22:32
Forum : WAPT Server
Sujet : Visual C++ Runtime error R6034 in Windows 10
Réponses : 1
Vues : 1366

Re: Visual C++ Runtime error R6034 in Windows 10

I have found that by modifying c:\wapt\waptsetup\wapt.iss and commenting out the line:

Source: "..\msvcr90.dll"; DestDir: "{app}";

I can then rebuild the Agent and it will install on Windows 10. This doesn't seem like a good solution though. Any ideas?

Chris Knowles
par srazer
02 oct. 2017 - 20:20
Forum : WAPT Server
Sujet : Visual C++ Runtime error R6034 in Windows 10
Réponses : 1
Vues : 1366

Visual C++ Runtime error R6034 in Windows 10

Greetings, I am setting up waptdeploy.exe to deploy via a GPO. While running I get the attached pop-up 4 times and then the install will continue after clicking "OK". However when running this with a GPO it runs as the system and it is not possible to click OK. This does not happen with Wi...
par srazer
28 sept. 2017 - 20:33
Forum : WAPT Server
Sujet : Deploy package or bundle to all machines.
Réponses : 3
Vues : 2129

Deploy package or bundle to all machines.


Is there a way to automatically add a package or bundle to a machine? So that when the agent is installed on a computer wapt will automatically install a standard bundle of applications.

Thank you,
Chris Knowles