[RESOLU] WUpdate : problème maj kb4530684

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Messages : 47
Inscription : 26 déc. 2017 - 11:03

13 janv. 2020 - 11:34

Préciser version de WAPT installée ( 1.7.4)
* Préciser OS du serveur (Linux) et version (Debian Stretch)
* Préciser OS de la machine d'administration/création des paquets (Windows 10)


Depuis un certain temps, j'ai des problèmes d'installation de cette mise à jour en particulier : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/hel ... -kb4530684

Sur certains postes elle "s'installe" très bien, sur d'autres non..
Avez-vous déjà rencontré ce problème sur cette mise à jour en particulier ? Si oui comment faire pour éviter qu'elle se mette en erreur ?

Dernière modification par mart03 le 29 janv. 2020 - 09:11, modifié 1 fois.
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Expert WAPT
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Inscription : 10 juil. 2014 - 23:52
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13 janv. 2020 - 16:29


Vous avez normalement reçu un mail vous indiquant une nouvelle version:

Messages : 47
Inscription : 26 déc. 2017 - 11:03

13 janv. 2020 - 17:23


J'ai bien effectué correctement la mise à jour en suivant vos recommandations.

Voici les logs des machines en échec (35 machines qui ont le même type de log) :

Code : Tout sélectionner

Updates scan done.
Downloading https://XXXX.XXX.XX/waptwua/windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab
C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptwua\cache\windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab put to local WUA cache for update

Copying 1 downloaded files to MS Wua cache
Adding 23df10e6-4bbe-4879-b964-a764873d48f4 to the list of updates to install...

Launching the install of 1 updates
Waiting for install to complete..
Install completed !

Done installing
Install result: Failed
Reboot required: False
Scanning with windows updates rules:
 "default_allow": true, 
 "install_delay": "7d", 
 "download_scheduling": "12h", 
 "filter": "Type='Software' or Type='Driver'", 
 "allow_direct_download": false, 
 "offline": true, 
 "install_scheduling": null
Writing status in local wapt DB
re-enabling wuauserv previous state: 0
Et du coup le nombre de fois qu'il a essayé d'installer la mise à jour sans succès..
cap.JPG (33.03 Kio) Consulté 3625 fois
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Expert WAPT
Messages : 1829
Inscription : 10 juil. 2014 - 23:52
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13 janv. 2020 - 21:38


Effectivement le téléchargement passe a présent mais maintenant c'est la l'installation qui ne fonctionne pas.

J'avoue ne pas vraiment savoir pourquoi... en effet, comme on peu le voir dans les log, wapt se contente de donner la cab au service windows update puis demande a celui-ci de lancer les installation en attente, et enfin il termine par renvoyer le résultat au serveur wapt.

Votre cas ne semble pas isoler sur internet:

https://windows101tricks.com/windows-10 ... o-install/

Sur certain topic on parle de problème antivirus
Messages : 47
Inscription : 26 déc. 2017 - 11:03

14 janv. 2020 - 08:57


Merci pour votre réponse, je voulais m'assurer que le problème ne vienne pas de WAPT.
Je vais donc pousser mes recherches.
Messages : 47
Inscription : 26 déc. 2017 - 11:03

14 janv. 2020 - 11:13

Pour apporter une précision, j'ai essayé d'installer la mise à jour manuellement, cela à fonctionner.. par contre quand WAPT refait un scan derrière il indique que la mise à jour est en erreur avec le logo interdit.

De plus j'ai lancé le scan depuis l'invite de commande est voici l'erreur retourné :

Code : Tout sélectionner

C:\Windows\system32>wapt-get waptwua-download
Using config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.ini
Ensure wuauserv Auto Update option is disabled
Looking for updates with filter: Type='Software' or Type='Driver'
   Connecting to local update searcher using offline wsusscn2 file...
   Offline Update searcher ready...
Waiting for WUA search to complete
Done search
WUA Search completed !
Error scanning updates: 0x80020009 (Une exception sÆest produite.): 0x8024001e ((unable to get meaning for error code 0x8024001e))
Unexpected error: 0x80020009 (Une exception sÆest produite.): 0x8024001e ((unable to get meaning for error code 0x8024001e))
{'downloaded': [], 'missing': []}
re-enabling wuauserv previous state: 0
Je n'arrive pas à comprendre pourquoi la maj passe correctement en manuel et ne marche pas en automatique par wapt..
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Expert WAPT
Messages : 1829
Inscription : 10 juil. 2014 - 23:52
Contact :

14 janv. 2020 - 15:19

Si la cab est indiqué comme interdite, alors c'est que celle-ci n'est pas autorisée sur la machine, (paquet wsus mauvais) ?

Sinon elle apparaitrai en missing (le plus)

Pour l'erreur, le cmd est bien en tant qu'administrateur ?
wapt-get waptwua-install
Messages : 47
Inscription : 26 déc. 2017 - 11:03

14 janv. 2020 - 16:05

Test n°1 : J'ai supprimé le .cab de mon repo principal, ce qui a entraîné une suppression du .cab sur mes repos distant, j'ai re-télécharger la maj par le biais de la console, le .cab c'est correctement redéployé sur l'ensemble des repos.

Installation de la maj : échec

Particularité repéré, la permission sur cette maj dans le dossier waptwua :

Code : Tout sélectionner

-rw-r--r-- 1 wapt www-data  333013791 Dec  9 20:27 windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab
Alors que la major partie des maj ont cette permission :

Code : Tout sélectionner

-rwxr-x--- 1 wapt www-data  991669208 Nov  9 18:23 windows10.0-kb4525237-x64_991cc8facc32fb11023372e65eb958ce22bc465d.cab
Cependant certains postes ont très bien pu installer la maj, donc l'incident ne viendrais pas là, mais je souhaite le souligner.

Test n°2 : J'ai supprimé l'agent wapt, supprimé le poste de la DB via la console. Et réinstallé l'agent.

Installation : échec

Test n°3 : Via la cmd admin avec la ligne de commande : wapt-get waptwua-install.
Installation : échec

Log cmd :

Code : Tout sélectionner

C:\Windows\system32>wapt-get waptwua-install
Using config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.ini
Ensure wuauserv Auto Update option is disabled
Start of install for all pending Windows updates
Scanning with params:
 "default_allow": true,
 "install_delay": "7d",
 "download_scheduling": "12h",
 "filter": "Type='Software' or Type='Driver'",
 "allow_direct_download": false,
 "offline": true,
 "install_scheduling": null
Scanning with windows updates rules:
 "allowed_updates": null,
 "default_allow": true,
 "allowed_products": null,
 "allowed_kbs": null,
 "allowed_severities": null,
 "forbidden_kbs": null,
 "forbidden_updates": null,
 "allowed_classifications": null
Looking for updates with filter: Type='Software' or Type='Driver'
   Connecting to local update searcher using offline wsusscn2 file...
   Offline Update searcher ready...
Waiting for WUA search to complete
Done search
WUA Search completed !
Updates scan done.
Downloading https://XXX.XX.XX/waptwua/windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab
windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[                                ] 2097152/333013791 - 00:00:00windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[                                ] 4194304/333013791 - 00:00:00windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[                                ] 6291456/333013791 - 00:00:00windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[                                ] 9437184/333013791 - 00:00:00windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[=                               ] 12582912/333013791 - 00:00:3windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[=                               ] 15728640/333013791 - 00:00:3windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[=                               ] 18874368/333013791 - 00:00:3windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[==                              ] 22020096/333013791 - 00:00:3windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[==                              ] 25165824/333013791 - 00:00:2windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[==                              ] 28311552/333013791 - 00:00:2windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[===                             ] 31457280/333013791 - 00:00:2windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab[===                             ] 34603008/333013791 - 00:00:2windows10.0-kb4530684-

C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptwua\cache\windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab put to local WUA cache for update
Copying 1 downloaded files to MS Wua cache
Adding 23df10e6-4bbe-4879-b964-a764873d48f4 to the list of updates to install...
Launching the install of 1 updates
Waiting for install to complete...............................
Done installing
Install completed !
Install result: Failed
Reboot required: False
Scanning with windows updates rules:
 "default_allow": true,
 "install_delay": "7d",
 "download_scheduling": "12h",
 "filter": "Type='Software' or Type='Driver'",
 "allow_direct_download": false,
 "offline": true,
 "install_scheduling": null
Writing status in local wapt DB
re-enabling wuauserv previous state: 0
Log WindowsUpdate :

Code : Tout sélectionner

2020/01/14 15:43:55.5977808 9960  9192  Handler         Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0.
2020/01/14 15:43:55.5978685 9960  9192  Handler         Generating request for CBS update A05CFD9B-2364-434E-B672-6301CC921C3E in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\4dd72a2d4194db7dd8abee536993535d_ctc
2020/01/14 15:43:55.6335538 9960  9192  Handler         Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: Unknown, nNextRequestID: 0.
2020/01/14 15:43:55.6335566 9960  9192  Handler         Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload.
2020/01/14 15:43:55.6335577 9960  9192  Handler         Selected payload type is SelfContainedNoExpressPayload
2020/01/14 15:43:55.6335795 9960  9192  Handler         Detected download state is dsStart
2020/01/14 15:43:55.6335864 9960  9192  Handler         Adding Windows10.0-KB4530684-x64.cab (entire file) to request list.
2020/01/14 15:43:55.6449523 9960  9192  Handler         Saved state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1.
2020/01/14 15:43:55.6449562 9960  9192  Handler         Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0 
2020/01/14 15:43:55.6449596 9960  9192  DownloadManager Download request generation succeeded.
2020/01/14 15:43:55.6516581 9960  9192  DownloadManager Matched the file to be copied on URL, windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab
2020/01/14 15:43:55.6516632 9960  9192  DownloadManager Copying Windows10.0-KB4530684-x64.cab to cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptwua\cache\windows10.0-kb4530684-x64_f29fa6a3a4d91762c10de13e0f29a3017adf827f.cab to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\4dd72a2d4194db7dd8abee536993535d_ctc\Windows10.0-KB4530684-x64.cab.
2020/01/14 15:44:01.0112923 9960  9192  Misc            Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\4dd72a2d4194db7dd8abee536993535d_ctc\Windows10.0-KB4530684-x64.cab with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2020/01/14 15:44:06.2162008 9960  9192  Misc             Microsoft signed: Yes
2020/01/14 15:44:06.3206074 9960  9192  DownloadManager Asking handler to generate non-range requests.
2020/01/14 15:44:06.3208508 9960  9192  Handler         Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1.
2020/01/14 15:44:06.3209437 9960  9192  Handler         Generating request for CBS update A05CFD9B-2364-434E-B672-6301CC921C3E in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\4dd72a2d4194db7dd8abee536993535d_ctc
2020/01/14 15:44:06.3210243 9960  9192  Handler         Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 0, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1.
2020/01/14 15:44:06.3210282 9960  9192  Handler         Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload.
2020/01/14 15:44:06.3210300 9960  9192  Handler         Selected payload type is SelfContainedNoExpressPayload
2020/01/14 15:44:06.3210915 9960  9192  Handler         Detected download state is dsHavePackage
2020/01/14 15:44:07.8435888 9960  9192  Handler         Saved state: cCompleteIterations: 1, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1.
2020/01/14 15:44:07.8435929 9960  9192  Handler         Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0 
2020/01/14 15:44:07.8435972 9960  9192  DownloadManager Download request generation succeeded.
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9543685 2972  8160  ComApi          * START *   Federated Install   ClientId = (null) (cV: HnXI7J61vEK9RH0d.2.0)
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9550955 2972  5776  ComApi          * START *   Install ClientId = (null), Flags: 0X10010 (cV: HnXI7J61vEK9RH0d.2.0.0)
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9550991 2972  5776  ComApi          Allow source prompts: No; Forced: No; Force quiet: No; Attempt close apps if necessary: No
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9551245 2972  5776  ComApi          Updates in request: 1
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9551334 2972  5776  ComApi          ServiceID = {FFB417EF-FB46-42BD-8F14-9571CE6EDDFF} Third party service
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9582605 9960  9192  IdleTimer       WU operation (CInstallCall::Init ID 3) started; operation # 30; does not use network; is not at background priority
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9598214 9960  9192  Agent           Beginning install of conventional work item
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9599755 2972  5776  ComApi          *QUEUED* Updates to install = 1
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9599802 2972  5776  ComApi          Install ClientId = (null) (cV: HnXI7J61vEK9RH0d.2.0.0)
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9600819 9960  10124 Agent           * START *  Installing updates CallerId = <<PROCESS>>: wapt-get.exe
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9600844 9960  10124 Agent           Updates to install = 1
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9656174 9960  10124 Agent             Title = 2019-12 Mise ?? jour cumulative pour Windows 10 Version 1903 pour les syst??mes x64 (KB4530684)
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9656220 9960  10124 Agent             UpdateId = 23DF10E6-4BBE-4879-B964-A764873D48F4.200
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9656229 9960  10124 Agent               Bundles 1 updates:
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9656255 9960  10124 Agent                 A05CFD9B-2364-434E-B672-6301CC921C3E.200
2020/01/14 15:44:07.9657631 9960  10124 Agent           Validating updates before Install
2020/01/14 15:44:08.4813650 9960  10124 Agent           Pre-install check complete
2020/01/14 15:44:08.5442443 9960  5656  Agent           WU client calls back to install call {4CE4406A-7766-4B06-8140-4137B5C15799} with code Call progress and error 0 
2020/01/14 15:44:09.1527872 9960  10124 Agent           WU client starts install in local system context
2020/01/14 15:44:09.1529201 9960  5656  Agent           WU client calls back to install call {4CE4406A-7766-4B06-8140-4137B5C15799} with code Call progress and error 0 
2020/01/14 15:44:09.2525365 9960  10124 Handler         Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 1, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1.
2020/01/14 15:44:09.2730850 9960  10124 Handler         Attempting to create remote handler process as ALTISERVICE\LIVECAM in session 1
2020/01/14 15:44:09.4159736 9960  10124 DownloadManager Preparing update for install, updateId = A05CFD9B-2364-434E-B672-6301CC921C3E.200.
2020/01/14 15:44:09.4753613 7320  1408  Handler         * START *   CBS  Install
2020/01/14 15:44:09.4771785 7320  1408  Handler         Starting install of CBS update A05CFD9B-2364-434E-B672-6301CC921C3E
2020/01/14 15:44:09.4780238 7320  1408  Handler         CBS session identity: 30788329_341225124
2020/01/14 15:44:09.6354959 7320  1408  Handler         CBS package identity: Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~18362.535.1.6
2020/01/14 15:44:09.6416678 7320  1408  Handler         Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 1, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1.
2020/01/14 15:44:09.6663157 7320  1408  Handler         Installing SelfContainedNoExpressPayload with source=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\4dd72a2d4194db7dd8abee536993535d\Windows10.0-KB4530684-x64.cab, workingdir=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\4dd72a2d4194db7dd8abee536993535d\inst
2020/01/14 15:44:13.3516230 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Initiate
2020/01/14 15:44:13.4791280 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=110, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:15.0336282 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=110, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:16.0491970 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=111, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:17.0647219 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=112, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:18.0803402 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=113, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:19.0959627 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=113, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:20.1113939 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=114, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:21.1272218 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=114, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:22.1425185 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=114, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:23.1583463 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=114, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:24.1736620 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=114, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:25.1891699 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=114, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:26.2047515 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=115, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:27.2203146 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=116, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:28.2358905 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=117, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:29.2514532 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=118, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:30.2669780 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=118, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:31.2827060 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=119, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:32.2980996 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=119, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:33.3136565 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=120, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:34.3292557 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=121, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:35.3447939 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=122, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:36.3603428 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=123, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:37.3758596 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=123, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:38.3914283 7320  7740  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=123, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:39.4075514 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=124, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:40.4225602 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=125, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:41.4381007 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=125, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:42.4536827 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=125, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:43.4692649 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=126, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:44.4847941 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=127, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:45.5003402 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=127, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:46.5159195 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=128, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:47.5315084 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=128, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:48.5469991 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=129, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:49.5625522 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=129, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:50.5781201 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=130, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:51.5937282 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=130, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:52.6092579 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=131, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:53.6247901 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=133, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:54.6403343 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=133, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:55.6559314 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=134, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:56.6714678 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=135, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:57.6870127 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=136, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:58.7027920 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=136, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:44:59.7182323 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=137, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:00.7336730 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=137, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:01.7492646 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=137, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:02.7648261 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=137, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:03.7803567 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=138, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:04.7959526 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=139, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:05.8114955 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=140, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:06.8270612 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=142, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:07.8426076 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=143, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:08.8581732 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=144, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:09.8736870 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=145, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:10.8892762 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=145, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:11.9048073 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=146, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:12.9203780 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=146, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:13.9359606 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=146, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:14.9514948 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=146, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:15.9671047 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=146, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:16.9825713 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=147, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:17.9981659 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=147, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:19.0137126 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=149, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:20.0292709 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=150, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:21.0448544 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=151, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:22.0603741 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=152, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:23.0759197 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=152, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:24.0915006 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=153, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:25.1070692 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=154, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:26.1226126 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=155, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:27.1381719 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=155, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:28.1537110 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=155, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:29.1693248 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=156, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:30.1848307 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=157, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:31.2003778 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=158, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:32.2159263 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=158, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:33.2315223 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=158, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:34.2470723 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=159, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:35.2626172 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=159, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:36.2781909 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=159, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:37.2937448 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=160, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:38.3094658 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=161, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:39.3248427 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=161, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:40.3404247 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=162, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:41.3560060 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=162, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:42.3715678 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=163, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:43.3870604 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=164, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:44.4026546 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=164, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:45.4181659 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=164, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:46.4337783 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=164, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:47.4493310 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=164, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:48.4651556 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=165, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:49.4804632 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=165, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:50.4959918 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=165, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:51.5115113 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=166, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:52.5271276 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=167, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:53.5426486 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=167, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:54.5583167 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=168, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:55.5738461 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=169, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:56.5893678 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=169, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:57.6048608 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=169, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:58.6204365 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=169, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:45:59.6359949 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=170, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:00.6515784 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=171, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:01.6672501 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=172, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:02.6830908 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=172, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:03.6984084 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=173, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:04.7137609 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=173, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:05.7293983 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=173, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:06.7448979 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=174, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:07.7605119 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=174, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:08.7760089 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=175, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:09.7915668 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=176, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:10.8071147 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=177, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:11.8227026 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=178, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:12.8383547 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=179, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:13.8539092 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=179, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:14.8694175 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=179, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:15.8849755 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=179, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:16.9004800 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=180, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:17.9160009 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=181, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:18.9315375 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=182, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:19.9471583 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=182, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:20.9627209 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=182, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:21.9782578 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=182, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:22.9938281 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=183, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:24.0094353 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=184, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:25.0249261 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=184, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:26.0404987 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=184, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:27.0560042 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=185, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:28.0715829 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=186, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:29.0871650 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=187, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:30.1026829 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=187, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:31.1182355 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=188, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:32.1338018 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=189, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:33.1493495 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=190, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:34.1649131 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=190, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:35.1804956 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=191, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:36.1960349 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=191, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:37.2115828 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=191, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:38.2271363 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=191, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:39.2429736 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=193, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:40.2582638 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=194, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:41.2737890 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=194, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:42.2894043 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=195, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:43.3049858 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=196, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:44.3207224 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=197, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:45.3363837 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=198, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:46.3515914 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=198, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:47.3671583 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=198, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:48.3827584 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=199, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:49.3982989 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=199, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:50.4138166 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=3, ticks=199, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:51.4662101 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:52.4859256 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:53.4929216 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:54.5222940 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:55.5249841 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:56.5462530 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:57.5589996 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:58.7799967 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:46:59.7998201 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:00.8570536 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:03.7370831 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:04.7432983 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:05.7587940 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:06.7780689 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:07.7877306 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:08.8043204 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:10.4619797 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:11.4834812 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:12.4953506 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:13.5064948 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:14.5236496 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:15.5372738 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:16.5531795 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:17.5702786 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:18.5841207 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:19.5997005 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:20.6267731 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:21.6308277 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:22.6487703 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=2, ticks=200, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.2680756 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=0, ticks=210, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.2682110 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=0, ticks=220, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.2683731 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=7, ticks=230, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.2685455 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=7, ticks=240, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.2686938 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=7, ticks=250, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.2688565 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=4, ticks=260, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.2690230 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=4, ticks=270, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.2691907 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=7, ticks=280, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.2693512 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=4, ticks=290, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.2874824 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=0, ticks=300, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.3967336 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=0, ticks=310, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.3968512 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=0, ticks=320, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4222488 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=0, ticks=330, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4294003 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=0, ticks=340, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4616174 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=0, ticks=350, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4901008 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=7, ticks=360, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4902512 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=4, ticks=370, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4904318 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=7, ticks=380, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4906615 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=7, ticks=390, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4908264 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=7, ticks=400, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4911929 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=0, ticks=410, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4937072 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=0, ticks=420, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4991515 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=7, ticks=430, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:47:23.4993268 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=7, ticks=440, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:48:28.6900894 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Error with 0x800f081f, 
2020/01/14 15:48:28.6902195 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Progress with state=7, ticks=1000, total=1000
2020/01/14 15:48:28.6965467 7320  8500  Handler         CBS called Terminate
2020/01/14 15:49:08.3018223 7320  1408  Handler         Completed install of CBS update with type=0, requiresReboot=0, installerError=1, hr=0x8024200d
2020/01/14 15:49:08.8525705 7320  1408  Handler         * END *   CBS Install
2020/01/14 15:49:09.2106135 9960  10124 DownloadManager Install failed because the update A05CFD9B-2364-434E-B672-6301CC921C3E.200 was not complete; mark update as not downloaded.
2020/01/14 15:49:09.2784854 9960  10124 Agent           *FAILED* [8024200B] Method failed [CAgentUpdateManager::InstallUpdate:11567]
2020/01/14 15:49:09.3919626 9960  10124 Handler         Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 1, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1.
2020/01/14 15:49:09.3995081 9960  10124 Agent           LogHistory called. idUpdate={23DF10E6-4BBE-4879-B964-A764873D48F4}.200, resultMapped=8024200D, resultUnMapped=8024200D
2020/01/14 15:49:09.5212585 9960  10124 Agent           Install updates CallerId = <<PROCESS>>: wapt-get.exe
2020/01/14 15:49:09.5217362 2972  9708  ComApi           Install ClientId = (null)
2020/01/14 15:49:09.5217578 2972  9708  ComApi          Install call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, cancelled = 0, unaccounted = 0
2020/01/14 15:49:09.5220880 2972  9708  ComApi          Reboot required = False
2020/01/14 15:49:09.5221135 2972  9708  ComApi          Exit code = 0x00000000; Call error code = 0x80240022
2020/01/14 15:49:09.5221216 2972  9708  ComApi          * END *   Install ClientId = (null)
2020/01/14 15:49:09.5222502 9960  5656  Agent           WU client calls back to install call {4CE4406A-7766-4B06-8140-4137B5C15799} with code Call complete and error 0 
2020/01/14 15:49:09.5239409 2972  5776  ComApi          Install call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, cancelled = 0, unaccounted = 0
2020/01/14 15:49:09.5239751 2972  5776  ComApi          * END *   All federated installs have completed. ClientId = (null) (cV = HnXI7J61vEK9RH0d.2.1)
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Expert WAPT
Messages : 1829
Inscription : 10 juil. 2014 - 23:52
Contact :

14 janv. 2020 - 18:19

Windows renvoie bien : Install failed because the update A05CFD9B-2364-434E-B672-6301CC921C3E.200 was not complete

Vous êtes réellement certain que lorsque vous l'installer a la main cela fonctionne ? Cela me parait étrange.

Un nouveau wsusscn2.cab devrait sortir ce soir ou demain, on va voir si la mise à jours est remplacée, cela pourrait résoudre votre problème.
Messages : 47
Inscription : 26 déc. 2017 - 11:03

15 janv. 2020 - 09:27


En effet un nouveau wsusscn2.cab est sorti, après analyse du poste celui-ci passe en OK, mais ajoute le statut DISCARDED aux nombreuses maj
2.JPG (61 Kio) Consulté 3566 fois
Que dois-je en tirer comme conclusion ? Que ces maj ne sont plus nécessaire ?
